DOWNLOADs - Special Complete Library of all 17 sets - 78 MP4 Files
Now you can own our complete library of 17 sets of instructional videos totaling 78 MP4 files. All of our videos have been converted to MP4 files containing all the menus and chapter headings. These files can be played directly on any computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Since it will take many hours to download nearly 100 hours (88 GB) of video files, we will save you the work and load all 78 MP4 video files onto a 128GB USB flash drive and mail it to you. We can also send you the links to any video that you wish to download and watch right away. Just let me know.
If you have any questions, feel free to phone me on my cell at 778-870-2699 or email me at If I am unable to answer it is because I am teaching or driving. So don't give up, I would love to answer your questions.
Click on the links below to see the full details and video clips of each collection.
1. Beginners 6-DVD complete set
2. Bronze I Latin 4-DVD complete set
3. Bronze I Standard 5-DVD complete set
4. Bronze II Latin 5-DVD complete set
5. Bronze II Standard 5-DVD complete set
6. Silver Latin 6-DVD complete set
7. Silver Standard 6-DVD complete set
8. Common Faults & Cures - Bronze I Standard 4-DVD set
11. Gold Latin 4-DVD complete set
12. Gold Star Latin 4-DVD complete set
13. Gold Standard 8-DVD complete set
14. Gold Star I Standard 4-DVD complete set
15. Gold Star II Standard 4-DVD complete set
16. Paso Doble 3-DVD complete set
17. Basic Latin & Standard Technique 2-DVD complete set
(Regular total price of all 78 DVDs plus downloads if purchased separately: $2575.00)